Thursday, June 5, 2008

It's been a while...

Daym-son... It's been while since I've last blogged, but screw it, i bet no one even reads this anyways. Hahaha. I even forgot what my password to this site was, so i soent the last 10 minutes trying to figure out "what the hell is the damn thing".

The exams are still on, so forgive me if im trying to be a bit nonchalant right now. Mr.Bean is on right next to me... what a dumbass, but see, everyone loves a goofy dumbass. So where the problem at? Hahaha. Just realised that the priest preaching in the background is just speaking jibberish, and Mr.Beans trying to eat his sweet or something.

Im sorry im boring... I still don't know how to paste videos or even music onto Raffed... i haven't even gotten a chatbox(is that what its called?) yet. And i've been a blogger for what now, three months? Shows how committed i am. Hahaha.

So a lot has changed over time... Im a bit of a geek now, as much as i hate to admit it. Hahaha. I've been reading Marvel comics recently, never realised how great and how cool they were. And oh yeah, i've been reading R.A Salvatore's "The Legend of Drizzt" the dark elf. Man, how much more DOTA can i get man? hahahaha. Ah well, fuck it.

It's a bleeding storm outside, and i still want to finish my GTA4... for the second time. hahaha. Hey, don't judge me, the damn study leave has left me with nothing to damn do. Hahaha. So people, i'll reach out again soon.

In the words of... well, public demand?
