Thursday, January 10, 2008

It all comes down...

I woke up to the sound of rain pit-pit-pattering against my window... well, all 8 windows. So you can imagine the noise. Enough to wake me up anyways. hahaha, this is like, 5.30 in the morning, and it's the crack of dawn. So I couldnt help but get out of bed and just sit near the window looking at the starting of daylight. The clouds were highlighted with white, yellow, auburn brown. And I don't know about you guys, but I'm a sucker for scenery, so i spent a whole hour just looking out the window, hardly procrastination, i spent the whole time thinking back, and the sight of the rising sun reminded me of a photo I took back in Europe when me and the family were at Disneyland Paris.

Thats right.

I've been to Disneyland.


Anyway, I was thinking back, and I realised how good a time i had there. How cool it was, i mean, sometimes, theres a huge difference when you see something on TV and being there in person and it leads to a huge disappointment. But I kid you not, never was there a moment of disappointment at Disneyland. I grew up on Disney, and being there was a dream come true, seriously. However old we will get, I can tell you, theres always that one something that brings out the 6 year old in you. And from Disneyland, came my other memories, i kept thinking about how young I was and what cartoons i used to watch. How sweet everything was.

I gave up an hour of my day, wait no, i gave up an hour of SLEEP to live in the past.

Its called nostalgia.

To use the past to make sure you look at life with a different perspective.

I apologise if this was a dull post. I did wake up at 5.

Keep well everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi, jibbeerrs :)