Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Closing That One

Man, its been 2 months since I last blogged. I even forgot my password to the blog thing, but ah well...

I've got my root beer, D'Angelos- Brown Sugar is on in the background. So I'm pretty much at ease...
A lot has gone on since the last two months, the JIS Valentines, JIS social, and BGIC just to name a few. But I'm not one to tell stories, cause I can't really paint you guys a picture with words. Don't get me wrong, I'm good at putting words down on paper, but online? Aaaaaaaah, not so much. I'm no storyteller.

But I just want to talk about how life in has been going...
My IGCSEs are on in about what, two months? I guess any year 11 who has June Os are pretty much panicking right about...now. Hahaha. I'm right, cause i am one of y'all. But with the exams coming up, there will be some cuts to freedom rights.

I can't go out every weekend like I always do
Gaming time is limited
I have to go friggin tuition
I'm not allowed to have a girlfriend(But i'm taking that as a joke)

Those are a few from a list that I couldn't be bothered to note down. Or even remember.
Hahahahaha. See, this is me chilled out. After the party for the end of BGIC last night, I really need to sleep. But I can't, I didn't get home till 1 or something. And I couldn't sleep till 1.30, even though I was really exhausted from all the dancing. And I had school.... So basically, I only had a good 4 hours of sleep. And I can't live with that.

hahaha, thats besides the point. The point is... um. Well, I'm just going on from one thing to another. I guess too much has been going on lately. Im supposed to be doing my homework right now... but I just can't pay attention. I ended up here. Hahahha.

Anyway, I finished my root beer. So I guess
I'm pretty much done now. hahahha. Sorry everyone, I really can't specify an entertaining topic to blog on. But I will soon, I guess I'm just checking if my blog is still working.

I'm not an avid blogger, or a good one for that matter. But, i'll update soon. And hopefully, with another tall Bundaberg Root Beer bottle in my hands, I'll be able to think of something to say. I'd just like to end by saying. I'm Fine. Even though....

Now that, my friends, is something I can talk about next time, Hahahahaha.

Heres to possessing that will to chill.:)

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